Yemen Chameleon

Today’s focus blog is on the Yemen Chameleon. What are Yemen Chameleons and how are they different? Can you keep a Yemen Chameleon as a pet?

What is the Yemen Chameleon?

Yemen Chameleon (Chameleon calyptratus), otherwise known as veiled chameleons, are found high up in trees in the jungles of the Arabian Peninsula. They stand rather large, with the average male spanning 21 inches in length and females just under at 14 inches. 

They are unique because of their ability to change colour based on their mood and status. If they feel attacked, stressed or starting to reproduce they will change colour accordingly. However, they are also able to change colour based on their social status. If they feel inferior or aren’t raised with other chameleons they will tend to stay a very dark and dull colour. However, raised with others and depending on their social status within the group, they will be brighter in colour. 

Known for their casque on their heads that can reach up to 5cm in length, they can also develop striped patterns and change colour as they grow and mature. 

What is the Yemen Chameleon’s diet?

Like many other Chameleons, Yemen is an omnivore – requiring a variety of insects and vegetables. In the wild, they would typically eat vegetation to help with their hydration levels, however, the majority of their diet consists of insects. 

Like with all other omnivorous reptiles, brown crickets are great as they are easy to obtain and even better for your chameleon. However, if you find that your local pet or reptile shop has no more stock, black crickets and locusts can work just as well. 


  • Waxworms
  • Calciworms
  • Mealworms
  • Beetle grubs
  • Cockroaches

Treats are very fatty and therefore should only be given sparingly. Once or twice a week would be more than enough to keep your pet happy and more importantly, healthy. 

Every morning and afternoon, aim to spray the enclosure with water – this includes the vegetation and decorations. This is so that the Yemen chameleon can drink from the water droplets left on the surface. 

If your chameleon is looking rather thirsty, aim to always have a medium-sized bowl of water in the enclosure. Whilst they may not touch it, it is useful to have it just in case they have a problem getting water from other areas. 

Can you have them as a pet?

Yemen Chameleon make great pets for those looking for a new reptile. In terms of keeping them warm, ensure the purchasing of a wooden vivarium. This is because wood is a great insulator, so the heat produced from the basking lamp will remain within the enclosure. 

As you can tell from their natural habitat in the Arabian Peninsula, these chameleons love the heat. Keep your basking area at around 100 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure it is content. You’ll want this to span around 1/3 of the enclosure whilst the cooler areas should record at 70 degrees. 

The Yemen Chameleon has an active day/night schedule. When you go to bed and turn all the lights off, make sure you do the same for your new pet. A good routine is crucial to the healthiness and happiness of the Yemen chameleon. 

If you’re thinking of getting two, a male and a female, they will probably breed. Sometimes owners want to encourage breeding, however, if they spend enough time together in the enclosure this will naturally happen. However, be cautious and know exactly how you will care for the female and its eggs once incubated. 

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