The Red Eyed Crocodile Skink

The Red Eyed Crocodile Skink

Welcome to Gecko Geek! Today’s focus is the red eyed crocodile skink. What is it and where is it from? Can you keep a Red Eyed Crocodile Skink as a pet? What is the Red Eyed Crocodile Skink? Rising in popularity, the Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink is loved for its exotic appearance and unique scales. Typically … Read more

The Blue Tongue Skink: Can you have it as a pet?

The Blue Tongue Skink Can you have it as a pet

Found in Australia, the Blue Tongue Skink (Tiliqua) is one of the largest in the skink family. Whilst preferring to stay close to the ground, the Blue Tongue Skink largely resembles a snake with its long and flat body. They will use their body alongside their four short feet to help them move around quickly.  … Read more

African Fire Skink Enclosure

African Fire Skink Enclosure

When in optimal housing conditions, African Fire Skink’s are bubbly, active and full of personality.  Whilst hard to come by, they are growing in popularity. Those that are brought up in captivity for conservation tend to have a much calmer character. That is not to say that they don’t make a great pet reptile – … Read more

Fire Skink Tank

Fire Skink Tank

You may have guessed from the name, but the Fire Skink is known best for its incredibly bold red colouring. Typically found in Western Africa, they love the forestry, wooded and leafy floors.  Growing in popularity, the fire skink is known for its calmness and idleness – especially when being handled and make a great … Read more